Donald Trump Jr and Adam Rippon

Fox News/YouTube ESPN/YouTube Remix by Jason Reed

Donald Trump Jr. incorrectly attacks Adam Rippon

Of course Trump Jr. would join in.


David Covucci

Layer 8

If you thought the president’s loudest son wouldn’t insert himself into the Olympics biggest fight, then you don’t know Donald Trump Jr.

Over the past few weeks, U.S. Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon has been feuding with Vice President Mike Pence, after Pence was chosen to lead the Olympic delegation in South Korea. Rippon spoke out against Pence’s strident anti-LGBTQ stances

When Pence attempted to arrange a meeting to talk to Rippon, Rippon said he wouldn’t speak with Pence.

Since then, the feud has mostly simmered beneath the surface, until Trump Jr. spoke up today about Rippon saying he didn’t want his Olympic experience to be about Pence.

A cursory glance at Pence’s tweets would show that is false. Pence mentioned Rippon, while twice invoking one of Trump Jr.’s favorite phrases.

The dispute comes over whether Pence supported funding for conversion therapy for LGBTQ individuals. Rippon said he wouldn’t meet with someone who funded those programs like that, which have been widely discredited.

Though Pence says he never supported conversion therapy, he campaigned on it in 2000. saying he only supported money for HIV care going to “institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.”

The Daily Dot