A Trump tweet about the 'Dow Joans' went viral Monday—but it's fake.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Fake Donald Trump ‘Dow Joans’ tweet goes viral

There’s always a tweet. But sometimes it’s a fake tweet.


Kris Seavers

Layer 8

The Dow fell by nearly 1,600 points in a historical plunge on Monday, but President Donald Trump won’t be loading himself up into a canon and shooting out at “TREMENDOUS SPEED!” anytime soon.

Despite the realistic looking screenshot going around Twitter on Monday, Trump never tweeted, “If the Dow Joans ever falls more than 1000 ‘points’ in a Single Day the sitting president should be ‘loaded’ into a very big cannon and Shot into the sun at TREMENDOUS SPEED! No excuses!”


The fake Trump quote went viral almost instantly. Its creator, Shaun Usher, quickly followed up that he was shocked people believed the mocking Trump tweet to be real in the first place.

“Sweet mother of god,” Usher wrote. “Not for one second did I think people would believe that to be genuine.”


But its virality exploded so fast that even Snopes reported that Trump never said anything about “Dow Joans” or “canons.” And honestly, can you blame people for thinking it was real?

Here’s what Trump did tweet on Monday.

“Thanks to the historic TAX CUTS that I signed into law, your paychecks are going way UP, your taxes are going way DOWN, and America is once again OPEN FOR BUSINESS!” the president wrote.

And here’s what he tweeted last month to take credit for the stock market when it was in a much better place.

“Unprecedented success for our Country, in so many ways, since the Election,” he tweeted on Jan. 20. “Record Stock Market, Strong on Military, Crime, Borders, & ISIS, Judicial Strength & Numbers, Lowest Unemployment for Women & ALL, Massive Tax Cuts, end of Individual Mandate – and so much more.”

The Daily Dot