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5 ways to make your Bumble profile buzz-worthy

Here are the best ways to make your Bumble profile pop.


Anna María


Putting together a Bumble profile can feel like a lot of pressure. You’re essentially creating an ad trying to convince people to date you. And if you’re a man, you can’t message women or nonbinary people first. You just have to hope your profile is compelling enough to invite messages.

Fortunately, there are a few steps anyone can take to build a solid Bumble profile (including, for example, how to pick the best photos). If you follow these general guidelines, you should have no problem landing the date of your dreams. Here are five ways to make the most of your Bumble account.

5 tips for making your Bumble profile pop

1) Choose your Bumble profile pics with care

Your first photo is your most important one, as it’s what people will see as they’re swiping through countless Bumble users. More often than not, it’ll often determine whether or not someone takes an extra moment to check out your profile. No matter your confidence level, trust us: There are tangible, achievable characteristics that make up a great picture.

For starters, you’re going to want a picture with an unobscured view of your face. Make sure you’re smiling, and keep the photo editing to a minimum. Always strive for natural-looking pictures. Try to avoid selfies. You don’t necessarily need a full-fledged professional headshot, but you should definitely get a friend to snap a flattering picture of you.

Once you’ve nailed down the perfect first photo, it’s time to select the rest of your Bumble pictures.

2) Show who you are in your other pictures

Your first photo primarily functions as a way to show off your face, so your other photos should act as a sort of highlight reel for your life. In other words, they should be snapshots of your lifestyle and personality. Choose about four to six pictures that are all unique from each other.

One Bumble profile picture, for example, could show you hiking. Another could feature you at a museum. You have very little space and time to convey who you are, so make each picture count. Additionally, avoid too many group shots—people want to see you specifically, after all—and aim for pictures where you’re smiling. Nothing is more attractive than a positive person!

That takes care of the visual aspect of your profile. Let’s examine how to market yourself with words.

3) Be genuine and approachable in your Bumble bio

So, you made it past the first round. Your pictures caught someone’s attention, and now they want to know a bit about who you are. Your bio is the perfect chance to tell them! In a few conversational (and, if possible, witty) sentences, let people know who you are and what makes you tick.

Steer clear of negativity and bragging, as those can be turn-offs for anyone perusing your profile. Definitely don’t lie about or exaggerate anything you list. Also, try to avoid generalizations and cliches. The more specific you are in your bio, the more likely you’ll catch someone’s eye. There are millions of people on Bumble—do what you can to stand out!

Now that you’ve got a general idea of the tone of your bio, you can hammer out the details of its content.

4) Give people something to connect to

It’s easy to become cynical about the detachment of dating apps, but never lose sight of what you really want from Bumble: human connection. Think about what you’d be interested to see in someone else’s bio, and model your own in that fashion. Everyone’s just trying to find a person to spend time with.

Keeping that in mind, outline what you do, what your hobbies are, and maybe a fun fact about yourself. If you can’t message others, consider asking a question in your bio to give potential matches something to respond to. Be honest about what kind of partner you’re looking for, and show why you’d be a great long-term partner.

Once your bio is locked and loaded, you have only one step left before your profile is officially ready.

5) Ask for feedback for your Bumble profile

What’s the best way to determine how people will react to your profile? Ask them. Have a handful of friends vet your pictures and bio and give their honest opinions. For the most useful feedback, show your profile to friends of the same gender identity you’re looking to date. This will give you the best idea of how you’ll be perceived by potential matches.

No matter how blunt their criticism, try sure not to take your friends’ suggestions personally, and accept each bit of advice with a grain of salt. Remember that it’s impossible to please everyone, and your friend’s opinions are just guidelines. At the end of the day, it’s important to have confidence in yourself and trust your own judgment.

With this final step out of the way, you’re finally ready to share your profile and get out there. Believe in yourself, and best of luck on Bumble!


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