
Here’s everything you missed in the Trump/Stormy Daniels saga

A lot happened yesterday.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

Here's Everything You Missed About Trump and Stormy Daniels Saga

Wednesday afternoon, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders raised eyebrows when she said that the president won an arbitration agreement involving President Donald Trump‘s reported mistress, adult film star Stormy Daniels. The claim, though, is being denied by Daniels’ lawyer, who called it “ludicrous.”

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Sanders was being pressed about Daniels after the adult film star filed suit in Los Angeles, claiming she was no longer bound by the agreement she signed after Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid her $130,000 for her silence.

“The president has denied the allegations against him, and again, this case has already been won in arbitration,” the president’s chief spokeswoman said.

According to CNN, Sanders handling of questioning over Stormy Daniels left the president upset.


Trump’s case was revealed yesterday to be a restraining order against the lawsuit requested by the president’s lawyer at a hearing with an arbitrator that neither Daniels’ nor her lawyer were present for.


“For the White House spokesperson to stand up and claim that Trump won the case in arbitration is ludicrous. I’m dumbfounded,” Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, told CBS. “There’s no hearing, there’s no due process, there’s no determination on the merits. … We weren’t even invited to the party.”

Avenatti revealed that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed, which Daniels is suing to be freed from, required her to pay $1 million for every instance she breached the contract.

Cohen’s personal lawyer said that they sought the restraining order because Daniels’ story entered the limelight, and she spoke out on TV shows.

“The Settlement Agreement contained an arbitration clause that permitted EC, LLC. to seek an injunction in the event of a breach or threatened breach of the agreement,” Michael Cohen’s personal lawyer, Lawrence S. Rosen, told CBS. “The designated judge from the arbitration tribunal found that Ms. Clifford had violated the agreement and enjoined her from, among other things, filing this lawsuit.”


EC, LCC is the limited liability company set up by Cohen to pay Daniels.

But now, a line in the suit filed against the president has people wondering what evidence Daniels may have.

Prior to entering into this Agreement, PP [Stormy Daniels] came into possession of certain
‘Confidential Information’ pertaining to DD [Donald Trump], as more fully defined below, only some of which is
in tangible form, which includes, but is not limited to information, certain still images and/or text
messages which were authored by or relate to DD.

So are there presidential sexts and dick pics floating about? Perhaps. But more to the point, would that even faze anyone at this point?
