
Stormy Daniels spars with Roseanne Barr on Twitter over anal sex, national anthem

It’s just another Friday in America.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

stormy daniels roseanne barr

Two people who have been in the news the past month in regards to President Donald Trump—Roseanne Barr and Stormy Daniels—got in a Twitter spat over anal sex and the U.S. national anthem on Friday.

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[Stares longingly at crimson-breasted northern cardinal chirping gaily while perched in a just-blooming tree outside my window, wishing I was anywhere but typing that last sentence.]

It all started, as most Twitter fights do, when someone did a tweet. In this instance, it was Daniels, who is suing the president for a variety of things, all involving an affair they reportedly had a dozen years ago. The tweet, though, was not related to the affair or Trump.

It was about drinking coffee.


How did drinking coffee progress to butt sex and Francis Scott Key’s American opus? Because Patricia Arquette (????) responded to talk about class after a woman said Daniels doesn’t speak for her.



Barr, who is an advocate for Trump and whose highly-rated sitcom reboot has divided America, mentioned that Daniels did an anal scene, which, I don’t know. I don’t think has anything to do with anything. But she tweeted it.



She hasn’t done an anal scene. And Stormy was swift to let her know.



(If you didn’t get that insult, Roseanne once horribly botched the national anthem. Talk about a clapback callback.)

OK. But. Then someone who, like, probably should not have been part of this conversation at all said she did do an anal scene.


Stormy had an answer for that.


Anyways, this is a long-winded way of saying I wish I was a bird.

I wish I was a bird!!

The Daily Dot