Sean Hannity was roasted on Twitter after he he slammed NBC News as 'conspiracy TV' while linking to an article from the news outlet in the same tweet.

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Sean Hannity calls NBC fake news while bragging their reporting proves him right



Andrew Wyrich


Fox News pundit Sean Hannity was taken to task on Twitter after he slammed NBC News as “conspiracy TV” while linking to the reporting from the news outlet that helped solidify the conspiracy theory he’s been peddling for weeks.

Hannity tweeted a link to an NBC News story regarding the so-called Uranium One deal, a favorite right-wing conspiracy theory regarding Hillary Clinton and the sale of uranium. The report said prosecutors, on the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, have asked the FBI for info on the deal. In the same tweet, he called CNN “fake news” and NBC News—the news outlet he was linking to in the tweet—”conspiracy TV.”

The so-called Uranium One deal has been a big talking point for Hannity, a sort of “whataboutism” to the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible ties between President Donald Trump‘s campaign and the country. Hannity has even referred to the deal as one of the “biggest scandals in American history involving another country.”

The “scandal” he is referring to is built on dubious facts, as Fox News’ own host Shepard Smith pointed out last month. But now, thanks in part to Hannity’s conspiracy-mongering, the Justice Department is investigating.

“Hey fake news @CNN and conspiracy tv @NBCNews read and learn,” he wrote.

Twitter users were quick to point out that Hannity calling NBC News a conspiracy-peddling news organization while also, apparently, endorsing their reporting on the Uranium One developments was… confusing as hell.


The Daily Dot