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Scott Walker, stumbling in the polls, expected to quit 2016 presidential race

The latest poll shows Walker at less than one-half of 1 percentage point.


Dell Cameron


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker‘s bid for the White House has come to an early end.

A supporter briefed on Walker’s expected decision to drop out of the 2016 Republican presidential race told the New York Times that lack of funding is a factor. “He’s made a decision not to limp into Iowa,” the source said. The Times reports that three Republicans, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, have confirmed Walker’s exit.

A new CNN/ORC poll shows that support for Walker, who once led the GOP field, has fallen to less than half a percentage point. Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina is now in second place behind real-estate mogul Donald Trump

Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and former New York Gov. George Pataki also registered in the poll with less than one-half of 1 percentage point support.

Walker will hold a press conference at 5:00 CT today at the Edgewater Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is expected to withdraw his candidacy. 

Update 5:21pm CT, Sept. 21: Walker has announced the end of his 2016 presidential campaign. 

H/T New York Times | Photo via DonkeyHotey/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) 

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