Proud Boys - Proud Girls

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Proud Boys throw a fit over ‘Proud Girl’ movement on Parler

‘Incels gonna incel.’


Nahila Bonfiglio


It turns out the Proud Boys are not good at sharing.

Members of the extremist hate group made this abundantly clear when an alternate group playing on their name cropped up on Parler, the conservative social media alternative to Twitter. The Proud Girls, as they are calling themselves, consist of several relatively recent additions to Parler’s user base. Several accounts with different versions of the name, including ProudGirls2020 and TheProudGirlsFlorida have been using the fringe social site to promote their right-leaning ideals for several months now.

And the Proud Boys are absolutely not having it.

A recent post from an account belonging to the Proud Boys of Northern Nevada communicated this in no uncertain terms. A screenshot of the group’s post spread to Reddit, where commenters tore into its grossly chauvinistic sentiment.

“Dear ‘Proud Girls,’” the post begins, without tagging any particular sect of the group. “Stop. Hijacking our fraternity because you can’t stand men having their own club is exactly why we created this club in the first place. You aren’t supporting us. You’re hurting us. You’re ruining what we hold dear.”

The post proceeds to go completely off the rails, venturing into a full-blown misogynist tantrum. “Want to know how to ACTUALLY support us? Get married, have children, cultivate wonderful communities in which we can live in. To save the west we need WOMEN BEING WOMEN. Not women trying to be men.”

The post’s final line is a lesson in how to ostracize any woman with an ounce of self respect. We would be impressed if we weren’t so revolted.

“We beg of you, with sincere love from the bottom of our hearts, get pregnant and get the fuck back in the kitchen.”

After all, so few spaces exist solely for men these days. There isn’t a single male-centric organization, sport, or even location that these poor fragile souls can visit without some kind of female interjection, right? Right?

Let’s be real here, no one is surprised to discover that a self-proclaimed chauvinist group is comprised of obnoxious incels. Still, the bald-faced statements in the post gave Reddit more than enough ammunition to tear into members of the neo-fascist organization.

“I think this guy managed to cover all sexist stereotypes in this diatribe,” user slrogio aptly noted. “Boxes checked I guess.”

Any support for the Proud Boys is tough to find on the Reddit post, between scathing comments of “Incels gonna incel” and “Misogyny?! In my racist community?!”

A few genuinely stirred redditors even delved into the history of the Proud Boys, linking members to several historical moments and groups. Most notably, the Nazis. Others made art of dragging the immensely problematic post through the mud.

“That’s a lot of words for ‘I’ve never made a girl orgasm before,’” someone added.

Comments on the original Parler post are another story. For the most part, they consist of men expressing righteous indignation that women might dare to belong to a club that doesn’t involve baking or childbearing. A few supposed women also showed up to state their support, hurling all the progress we’ve made as a gender completely out the window.

The kicker? The post really doesn’t seem to have made any impact. In fact, more Proud Girl accounts are cropping up every day on sites from Parler to Twitter and even Facebook.

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