joe biden white supremacy

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Joe Biden on if Trump is a white supremacist: ‘I’m Joe Biden’

Text I’m Joe Biden to white supremacy 30330.


David Covucci


In the wake of the racially motivated mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, that killed 22 and left more than two dozen injured, Democratic candidates have been vocal in their denouncement of President Donald Trump, whose rhetoric on immigration aligned with that of the mass shooter.

El Paso native Beto O’Rourke has been leading the charge, outwardly calling Trump a racist, saying he’s been once since before he began his campaign for president.

Today, while campaigning in Iowa, former Vice President Joe Biden was asked if he thinks Trump is a white supremacist. Biden, infamously, kicked off his campaign by invoking Trump’s rhetoric in the aftermath of the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Virginia, calling the president out for his sympathetic words toward neo-Nazi supporters.

Biden said everything the president says and does “encourages white supremacy,” which he felt was worse.

But since he didn’t explicitly answer that question, Biden was asked again.

His response to if Trump is a white supremacist? “I’m Joe Biden.”

Joe Biden 2020. He’s Joe Biden.


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