Donald Trump Approval Rating Poll Tweet Fox Business

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Trump’s 55 percent approval claim is extremely wrong



Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump shared a screenshot of a graphic that inaccurately depicted what a Georgetown Politics poll found his approval rating to be.

Early Thursday, the president shared a screenshot of a Fox Business show’s graphic that showed his approval rating at 55 percent and his approval rating for handling the economy at 58 percent.

Trump captioned the screenshot with: “Great news! #MAGA”

Trump Approval Rating Georgetown Poll Twitter

However, the graphic does not represent what was found in the poll.

The Georgetown poll actually found that Trump’s approval rating was 43 percent and his disapproval rating was 52 percent.

The 58 percent approval rating on the economy shown in the graphic does accurately show what the poll found.

The discrepancy between the graphic shared by Trump and the actual findings were pointed out by people on Twitter–including Mo Elleithee, the director of Georgetown’s Institute of Politics & Public Service, which released the poll.

Real Clear Politics, which takes an average of a number of polls, shows the president with a 43.2 approval rating and 52.7 disapproval rating.


The Daily Dot