The Twitter handle for had some fun after Mike Pence reportedly praised Trump non-stop during a recent cabinet meeting.

Michael Vadon/Flickr (CC-BY) hits Mike Pence for his fawning praise of Trump

They tweeted a link to the definition of ‘sycophant.’


Andrew Wyrich


Earlier this week Vice President Mike Pence praised President Donald Trump every 12.5 seconds for three minutes straight during a cabinet meeting.

The remarks echoed an earlier cabinet meeting in June where Trump allowed his entire team to spend time lauding him.

His constant praise of Trump was thoroughly documented and ridiculed, but the Twitter handle for had their own fun.

“There’s a word for a person who would praise someone every 12 seconds,” wrote, linking to the definition of “sycophant” and hashtaging “VP” and “Pence.”

A quick reminder: sycophant is defined as “a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite,” according to the website.

The political jab didn’t sit well with some Twitter users, who quickly said they would be following Merriam Webster instead of in light of the Pence trolling.

Except they might not be happy with Merriam Webster either.

In the past, Merriam-Webster has corrected Trump’s use of “heel”in a tweet about the country’s division, schooled Kellyanne Conway about her “alternative facts,” explained why North Korean leader Kim Jon-un called Trump a “dotard,” and told Trump the difference between the words “council” and “counsel” after he tweeted about Sally Yates, among other things.

You might also remember’s announced that its “Word of the Year” for 2017 was “complicit.”

The Daily Dot