Augmented Reality BDSM Gear App

Third Aurora Ana Valens

Augmented reality app lets you sample BDSM gear straight from home

Figure out if your new kink cage will fit in the living room.


Ana Valens


Kinksters have a new mixed reality app to help them purchase BDSM furniture. Augmented reality company Third Aurora’s “EverySingle Sex Toy” measures a user’s room through their smartphone camera and lets them place virtual copies of bondage gear right in their homes.

The AR program launched this week and features a wide assortment of kink toys and gear, from whips to cages. A Facebook video uploaded by Third Aurora shows the app in action and how it accurately measures a room’s dimensions before placing BDSM gear down. The whole process works like Amazon AR View, which lets online shoppers place toasters, desks, and other objects in their homes all through their phones.

“The result is a visualization that is realistic in every detail–users can even walk around the item to see it from all viewpoints or check whether it will fit in with the current décor,” Third Aurora describes in its press release. “[The startup] firmly believes that technology such as augmented reality will play a huge role in not only sex-toy sales, but many other industries as well.”

Interested users can try EverySingle Sex Toy now on their iOS and Android devices from Third Aurora’s site, although the app is just a prototype for now. Regardless, Third Aurora co-founder Dave Chaffey believes AR technology will innovate sex tech and help kinky couples shop for the right product for their private time. It’s just another sign that mixed reality and BDSM are perfect for each other.

“Think about it for a second,” Chaffey said in the press release. “If you’re a coy couple looking to purchase bondage equipment, where do you start? You can look online but photographs don’t give you the true picture. You really need to view it in a three-dimensional setting you know well, to see if it’s going to match the bed suite.”

The Daily Dot reached out to Third Aurora for comment.


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