
Jordan Valinsky

A former editorial operations specialist and staff writer for the Daily Dot, Jordan Valinsky is a tech reporter and web culture commentator. His work has been published by the Week, Digiday, CNNMoney, Popular Mechanics, Vice, Mic, and Betabeat.

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This self-done tattoo is not what you think it is

There’s a post on Reddit titled “Guy posts a picture a tattoo he gave himself that looks like a turd.” But it’s not a turd.

On Mar 15, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Here’s a surefire way for an airport to lose Facebook followers

An airport outside of London is learning that posting a photo of a plane accident on its Facebook page was probably the stupidest thing ever.

On Mar 14, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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A survival guide for #Directioners and #Beliebers

Here’s what you need to know about the fandoms for the biggest male pop superstars. 

On Mar 14, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Olivia Wilde faces the wrath of angry Beliebers, laughs it off

Established hot person/actress Olivia Wilde is learning never to piss off Beliebers on Twitter after the tween terrorist organization bombarded her with somewhere between 17,000 and 35 million angry tweets.

On Mar 13, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Mom poses as 11-year-old to protect daughter from sex predator

A British mother posed as a schoolgirl online to protect her daughter from a sex predator, collecting evidence that eventually landed the man on the sex offender registry.

On Mar 13, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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“Daddy love,” “MILF,” “just Bieber”: How the world searches for porn

International affairs publication PornMD (I know, right?) released the most important infographic of our time: a geographic breakdown of the 10 most-searched porn terms.

On Mar 12, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Want to be the next Pope? Apply on LinkedIn

It’s obviously a competitive position, but please don’t submit a Vine resume. That’s a sin not even God would forbid.

On Mar 12, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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28 students suspended for liking Facebook post

The students, who all attend Coláiste Chíaráin in Limerick, were suspended within the last week after the school principal decided that the mob mentality of swarming the post and liking it created a “very unpleasant” situation for the school. 

On Mar 12, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Scottish prisoners use Facebook mobile to score drugs

Scottish prisoners are using Facebook to obtain drugs behind bars, take pictures, and brag about their illegal activities. But now the fun’s over.

On Mar 11, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Buzzed: Amanda Bynes, Justin Timberlake, and more

A look behind the scenes at Saturday Night Live.

On Mar 11, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Irish senator coins worst buzz word ever: “fraping”

“Fraping” is a combination of Facebook and rape, and refers to someone making changes to you social media account without your knowledge. 

On Mar 8, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Texas megachurch encourages tweeting for Jesus

Cell phones are not only allowed at Sunday services, they’re encouraged.

On Mar 8, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Wedding-dress seller faked her own death to scam customers

21-year-old Caroline Oates pocketed $4,500 for “bills, food, loans, and a new fridge freezer.” Here’s how she almost got away with it.

On Mar 7, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

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Buzzed: From BBC Radio 1 to “Gilmore Girls”

Kelly Rowland’s new single, Lauren Graham on Twitter, and more

On Jan 21, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

Hungover Man

Top 5 hangover home remedies, brought to you by YouTube

Featuring bacon, toast, vitamin C, and Bradley Cooper.

On Jan 1, 2013 by Jordan Valinsky

The Daily Dot