
Jessica Machado

Jessica Machado is the IRL editor of the Daily Dot. Previously, she was an associate editor at Rolling Stone. Her work has been published in the Washington Post, Elle, Vice, Salon, BuzzFeed, Guernica, Bitch, Bust, the Cut, the Awl, the Toast, among others.

Ivanka Trump CBS interview complicit

After ‘SNL’ skit, Ivanka Trump claims not to know what ‘complicit’ means

FYI: ‘Helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way.’

On Apr 5, 2017 by Jessica Machado

trap button keyboard

This sex trafficking law could ruin the internet as we know it

New legislation would hold websites liable for third-party content, undermining the protection of free speech online.

On Apr 5, 2017

Michelle Obama natural hair

Michelle Obama is sporting her natural hair—and the internet is all about it

Be free, beloved FLOTUS!

On Apr 3, 2017 by Jessica Machado

Trump women speech, women's history month

Trump’s message of women’s empowerment features a lot of polite white ladies

The president speaks fondly of ‘devotion.’

On Mar 31, 2017 by Jessica Machado

Diego Cruz reading a statement

Wealthy man acquitted of rape because he ‘didn’t enjoy it’

Otherwise known as our culture’s Brock Turner privilege syndrome.

On Mar 30, 2017 by Jessica Machado

teens looking at phone

Teens are using this Tinder-like app—and it’s raising concerns

High schoolers can swipe right on a new friend—but how old are they really?

On Mar 30, 2017

Maxine Waters Hillary Clinton

Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton have words for Bill O’Reilly and his ‘everyday sexism’

‘I am a strong black woman and I will not be intimidated,’ the congresswoman declared.

On Mar 29, 2017 by Jessica Machado

Trump women business leaders miserable

Trump looks miserable meeting with women business leaders

Good thing there’s only four more days of Women’s History Month.

On Mar 27, 2017 by Jessica Machado

woman fetal position, menstrual cramps

Italy could be the first country in the West to grant women ‘menstrual leave’

A victory for women who’ve long been told to take some Midol and suck it up.

On Mar 27, 2017 by Jessica Machado

Oregon Mayor Kenneth Barrett

71-year-old mayor swears off social media following teen sex sting bust

‘The bad boy is here,’ he messaged to who he thought was a 14-year-old girl.

On Mar 26, 2017

sperm swimming

More men are testing their sperm at home—and some docs are worried

Urologists say at-home tests can’t show the full picture of a man’s fertility.

On Mar 24, 2017

Donald Trump smug

Immigrants commit fewer crimes than Trump wants you to believe

Yes, even undocumented immigrants.

On Mar 22, 2017

Handmaid's Tale activists at the Texas Senate

Women in ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ red robes have come for the Texas Senate

Activists rally against an anti-choice dystopia.

On Mar 21, 2017 by Jessica Machado

creepy doll

Child sex dolls are horrifying—but some say they prevent abuse

Others, though, say the life-like dolls could cause pedophilia.

On Mar 19, 2017

pregnant woman

Women could go bankrupt giving birth under Trumpcare

More ‘choice’ means paying more out of pocket.

On Mar 18, 2017

The Daily Dot