Trump women speech, women's history month

Photo via Donald Trump/Instagram

Trump’s message of women’s empowerment features a lot of polite white ladies

The president speaks fondly of ‘devotion.’


Jessica Machado


President Donald Trump has made fast work of bolstering women’s empowerment in these last few days of Women’s History Month. He’s held a forum for female entrepreneurs and gave a speech asking a room full of women if they knew who suffragette and feminist hero Susan B. Anthony was. Forget that he’s likely to sign a bill that would let states block funds to women’s healthcare. He has made this sweetly piano-scored Instagram video, complete with a closeup of roses, in which he imbues, “From the untamed frontiers of the Western plains to the skyscrapers of Manhattan, American women in every generation have shown extraordinary grit, courage, and devotion.”

Though he speaks about women from various swaths of the country, you might notice the video features mostly white women chitchatting in fancy dresses and businesswear waiting to listen to Trump speak about “Making America Great Again.” At the end, they applaud and give him a standing ovation. Such devotion indeed.

The Daily Dot