Trump women business leaders miserable

Photo via Sean Spicer/Twitter

Trump looks miserable meeting with women business leaders

Good thing there’s only four more days of Women’s History Month.


Jessica Machado


President Donald Trump met with women leaders in small business today for a roundtable discussion on the problems they face. According to the AP, Trump said that empowering and promoting women in business are priorities for his administration, and he wants to make childcare more affordable and accessible.

“I know how crucial women are as job creators, role models, and leaders all throughout our communities,” Trump said, reading a prepared statement to the press at the White House meeting. “As we conclude Women’s History Month, I am thrilled to meet to discuss how we can continue this important mission.”

While many may see this a major improvement over the way the president has historically addressed women’s concerns—just last week, he wanted to cut maternity and preventative care from women’s ACA health plans—others on the internet couldn’t help but notice that Trump still doesn’t seem to be too excited to talk about lady stuff.

Others brought up the hypocrisy of how he claims to care about women, but when he talks about them and to them, he shows a very different side.

Another point offered: If he cared about women’s voices, maybe he could hire some women in his cabinet.

Because we all remember this:

And this, which shows who was involved in Thursday’s talks to take away maternity care from low-income women.

In related women’s business events: Trump’s daughter Ivanka will be attending a women’s economic empowerment summit in Berlin in April, just a month after her father’s awkward non-handshake with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. His facial expression in his meeting with Merkel is quite similar to the one Spicer captured the president making today.

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