
Bitcoin is a white, 77-year-old rapper—and he rules

Kanye, meet your match.

Photo of Miles Klee

Miles Klee

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We’re not totally sure what’s happening here, but as far as we can tell, the breakout rapper of the season is Lee, a 77-year-old white man from Philadelphia who goes by the name “Bitcoin.” Here’s his sleazy first music video, “Best B#$*h,” an ode to booty and blowjobs:

In a documentary-style video posted to the same YouTube account, we learn that Lee wasn’t originally much for hip-hop, but his young friends set out to change that—training him in the ways of rhyme and freestyle flow. “I wrote the dictionary,” he claims. “[Jay Z] may have studied it, but I wrote it.” Guess he doesn’t need any lessons on swagger.

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Bitcoin’s other tracks don’t disappoint, either. From age-appropriate subjects including “Glaucoma” and “Nap Time” to genre exercises like “Doggy Style” and the hilariously provocative “Rappin Like a Black Dude,” this guy has the makings of a viral legend.

Could Bitcoin’s sick beats and pimping style herald an age in which old white folks aren’t scandalized or terrified by contemporary urban music? Well, let’s not get carried away.

Photo via Bitcoin Music/YouTube

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