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YouTube Guide: Disney’s “Game of Thrones”

What if Daenerys Targaryen were a typical Disney princess?


Michelle Jaworski

Internet Culture

With more than 72 hours of footage uploaded every minute, it’s physically impossible to keep track of the content on YouTube. In YouTube Guide, the Daily Dot will curate its five favorite finds for each workday.

1) AVbyte, “Disney GAME OF THRONES – Princess Daenerys”

Daenerys Targaryen is trying to take back the Iron Throne, but if Disney got its hands on Game of Thrones, there would be a lot of downtime where she stares at the sea and sings a duet with Jorah Mormont about things to come.

2) Vihart, “5 Reasons We Like 5 Reasons Videos”

Many YouTubers make “5 reasons” videos, so Vihart looks into why we can’t get enough of them with her own video. With that form there’s a sense of value and validation that five videos with one point each just can’t give us.

3) JoergSprave, “Bill Gates Calls – The Slingshot Channel Answers”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is looking for projects that will improve condoms, so the Slingshot Channel stepped up to the challenge and created the world’s first condom applicator slingshot gun (although it looks more painful than practical).

4) Epic Rap Battles of History, “Mozart vs Skrillex”

Mozart and Skrillex’s musical styles are about as opposite as it gets, but now they’re putting it all on the line. Mozart can’t stand the music Skrillex puts out, while the dubstep artist puts Mozart’s daddy issues front and center in this smackdown.

5) MediocreFilms, “Generous Homeless Man Prank”

As a social experiment Greg Benson hires an actor to dress up like a homeless man and give people around town money, and while most people ignore him or walk away, the ones who do take the money are confused by what just happened.

Photo via AVbyte/YouTube

The Daily Dot