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Woman arrested for trying to sell her kids on Facebook

An Oklahoma woman allegedly tried to sell her two young children and “all their stuff” for $4,000. 


Chase Hoffberger

Internet Culture

An Oklahoma woman was arrested last week after police found that she’d used Facebook to try to sell her two children.

Sallisaw native Misty Van Horn, 22, was taken to Sequoyah County Jail Wednesday night after police learned that she’d contacted a woman who lived 30 minutes away in Fort Smith, Ark., to offer her youngest child, a 10-month old girl.

According to a police report, Van Horn contacted the Fort Smith woman by sending a Facebook message: “Just come to Sallisaw, it’s only 30 minutes away and I’ll give you all of her stuff and let y’all have her forever for $1,000.”

NewsOK reports that in addition to the $1,000 price tag laid on her infant daughter, Van Horn tried selling a package deal including her 2-year-old child for $4,000. Both children were taken into state custody.

Police have reported that they believe Van Horn was attempting to sell her children so that she could accumulate the bond money to get her boyfriend out of jail.

Now she’s in jail, awaiting charges of attempting to traffic minors, and facing a $40,000 bond.

Don’t sell your kids, okay? They’re not for sale.

Photo via Sequoyah County Police Department

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