big face dog

Photo via Katelyn Fay/Flickr (CC-BY)

UPS drivers love dogs and they have the Facebook page to prove it

Can FedEx cats be far behind?


David Britton

Internet Culture

There’s a stereotype that dogs and mailmen don’t get along, but the opposite seems to be true for UPS drivers.

Sean McCarren, a UPS driver for seventeen years, has created a Facebook page for the dogs he and other drivers meet along their routes. It’s called UPS DOGS, and it’s basically the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.

“UPS Drivers deliver packages all day long,” reads the page’s description “During that time many dogs are met, good and bad. If there is time during the day snap a shot and send it in. If you have a driver that delivers everyday get a pick and send a short description including name and location.”

Although the page is not officially affiliated with UPS, the company says they are aware of it and approve. “It’s a good example of the relationships our employees build with their customers, two- or four-legged!” a spokesman told BuzzFeed.

“I wish we could just hang out with the families and their dogs all day,” McCarren said, “but it’s just not feasible,”.

Jeff Skender, another driver and frequent contributor said that interacting with dogs along his route is one of the best things about his job. “It is an awesome feeling to be greeted so happily by unconditional love.”

Although that love might not be completely unconditional. He added that many drivers carry treats with them to give out to their canine friends.

Recently a dog along Skender’s route gave birth to a litter of puppies and she was super excited to introduce her friend to her new family.

With all this cuteness, it’s a miracle any packages get delivered.

H/T BuzzFeed

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