DHS Secretary John Kelly

Photo via DHS/Flickr (Public Domain)

DHS secretary’s fun Netflix binge-watching quote backfired terribly

Don’t let the kids know you are trying to be cool.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

Quick, what’s something the kids love? Netflix, right?

And what’s something the kids hate? 9/11, right?

Mash them together and you’ve got relatable comedy gold, the kind of thing that can bring about some laughs from the millennials while getting young people to rise to the passionate defense of the Transportation Security Administration.


That was Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly on the much-maligned TSA and he … what’s the opposite of nailed it?


It was a dumb statement that drew comparisons to some of Mike Huckabee’s worst tweets. But better yet, it led to Twitter trying to replicate the joke structure but intentionally fucking it up and failing.








Try it yourself. Pick a movie out right now. I’m gonna try it, without any previous thought, with the Last Jedi.

While you were watching the trailer for the Last Jedi, the TSA was using the Force of the federal government to prevent terrorists from boarding planes.

Many others also noted that a high-level Trump staffer once tried to take a gun on a plane.


So, there’s that, too.

The Daily Dot