Is there a hidden meaning in a Trump committee's resignation letter?

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr Screengrab via @WilDonnelly/Twitter (CC-BY-SA)

Can you spot the hidden message in this Trump committee’s resignation letter?

Look closely.


Andrew Wyrich

Internet Culture

President Donald Trump’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities resigned in protest on Friday—and some eagle-eyed Twitter users think there was a hidden message in their resignation letter.

People on Twitter spotted that all of the first words of each paragraph in the committee’s letter spell out a word that has been thrown around a lot online recently: “RESIST.”

The committee resigned over Trump’s response to the violence that sparked in Charlottesville, Virginia after a group of white supremacists held a rally in the small college town to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, the famous Confederate general. The white supremacists were met by groups of counterprotesters. Violence erupted, culminating in the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, who was rallying against racism when a man struck her and some 20 other counterprotesters with a car.

Trump repeatedly asserted that people on “both sides” of the unrest were to blame for violence, a claim many interpreted as an equivocation between neo-Nazis and those who oppose them.

“We cannot sit idly by, the way that your West Wing advisers have, without speaking out against your words and actions,” the group’s resignation letter reads.

As @WillDonnelly points out, the letters, which are capitalized because they are at the beginning of a sentence, are almost too obvious of a message to be considered a coincidence.

People seem to agree with him.

What do you think?

The Daily Dot