glorious leader hair swap

Photo via GallowBoob/Reddit

The inevitable Trump/Kim Jong-un hair swap is here—and it’s devastatingly good

Some genius photo-swapped the hair of the men who might plunge us into a nuclear apocalypse.


David Britton

Internet Culture

It’s widely acknowledged that Donald Trump has the worst hair of any president. Even Martin Van Buren had a cool mad scientist type vibe going on.

Martin Van Buren
Photo via Matthew Brady/Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

But Trump isn’t the only dictator, er leader, who could use a new stylist. Kim Jong-un has also been widely lambasted for his hairstyles (you know, that and his repeated human rights violations). Which makes sense, because dude has had some legit goofy ‘dos.

Photo via Matthew Brady/Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

Now reddit user GallowBoob has submitted this picture that swaps the two glorious leaders’ hair. Somehow they both end up looking even more ridiculous than before.

Photo via Matthew Brady/Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

Kim Jong-Un kind of looks like a fun uncle, while Trump, as one commenter pointed out, looks like “an orange version of Moe from the Three Stooges.”

Of course, bad hair isn’t the only thing these two have in common. They are also both notoriously thin-skinned and prone to over-the-top rhetoric. Oh, and they both have access to nuclear weapons and like to repeatedly, heatedly remind each other of it. Yes, these two goofballs could very well bring about the end of civilization as we know it, which is a bit like the final battle in Game of Thrones coming down to Podrick Payne vs. Samwell Tarly. When you think about it, from a strictly objective perspective, that’s way funnier than their hair.

H/T Mashable

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