student athlete meme: teen drinking water after exercising

Image via Halfpoint/Shutterstock

The student athlete meme shows you how to rise and grind

Respect the hustle of the student athlete. Respect it.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

If there’s one thing social media has done, it’s turned us into documenters of our own hustle.

For no reason, really. Prior to the advent of Twitter and Instagram, no one cared how hard you were working. We all just assumed everyone was working hard, and went on our way.

“That person, over there,” you would say, while pointing at a person. “He’s probably working an adequate amount, because that’s what we all do.”

But not anymore. Now, thanks to social media, everyone needs to tell you just how #fitfam and #riseandgrind they really are. And they are so fit fam.

Perhaps no one embodies the hustle more these days than student athletes, what with their books and their weights, their exams and their games, and their smartphones to show everyone how hard they are hustling. They live for the hustle. They live for the grind. They were born fit fam and they will die fit fam.

And these tweets blasting their dedication to showing how hard they are working are absolutely tremendous.

It’s not just about the grind. It’s about documenting the grind.

The meme format works with pretty much any emoji, so long as they’re used to emphasize your hustle.

It looks like the whole thing began as a daylight savings time joke, which is perfect because if anyone can’t afford to lose an hour, it’s student athletes.

Now get sweat. And get tweeting.

H/T Select All

The Daily Dot