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Arnold Schwarzenegger whips Reddit into shape with fitness advice

Now Redditors can say they’re going to the gym because Arnold Schwarzenegger told them to.


Mike Fenn

Internet Culture

Actor. Governor. Tumor. Redditor.

Arnold Schwarzenegger returned to his fitness roots by paying a surprise visit to the r/fitness subreddit on March 6. Well before becoming famous for everything from The Terminator to Batman and Robin to the California Republican ticket, Schwarzenegger impressed international audiences by winning the Mr. Universe bodybuilding contest in 1969.

Schwarzenegger posted an inspirational video to the subreddit, earning over 3,300 karma points in doing so.

This inspired me, and I bet it will inspire you” the title of Schwarzenegger’s post read.

“I am sorry I missed seeing this live at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus this weekend, but when I saw the video I was immediately inspired. There really are no excuses for not working out. I am hoping to track Derick down so I can work out with him,” he wrote.

In a later edit, he added, “I found Derick, and I will let you guys know when we get together. But I still think we can get his video to the front page. Seriously, who deserves it more? So to help, let’s do a very short fitness AMA right here. I will answer five questions. And don’t worry, I will be back for a full hour very soon.”

Redditors flooded the impromptu session with their questions. While brief, the chat session featured everything from Schwarzenegger’s own daily routine to coaching a redditor through a dark personal period.

As someone who does virtually no exercise, haven’t run for many many years & is very unhealthy (Though only weighs 10st), limitations aren’t only physical. They are mental, I don’t think I’d be comfortable going to a gym or ever be seen working out. (Cubejam)

“Start small in your own home. Maybe just do five minutes of stretching and jumping jacks or jump rope or bodyweight squats. Maybe you want to do 15 minutes, something like this:

Whatever you do, I promise you won’t regret it. You only need to start with a small step, and you don’t even need to leave your house. And you don’t need to run.”

How’s your fitness routine lately? (MrBot)

“I still work out every day, lifting and cardio. Normally morning cardio and evening lift. I don’t use the monster weights anymore, I do more of a circuit with very little rest.”

When people give you training advice. Are you like, please I won mr olympia 7 times, or do you actually listen to what they have to say? (YaKoStar)

“I will always listen. I got to where I am by listening to people like Joe Weider, Reg Park, and all of my other mentors. No reason to stop listening now. I have a great crew of the new generation of experts that write for my website, and I am always willing to steal ideas from them!”

Mr. Schwarzenegger, I don’t know if you will read this, much less respond to it, but I have been such a huge fan of yours for a very long time. I admire everything about you and I am getting goosebumps right now just thinking you might see this and take a second to respond to me.
I am nearing my mid-20s and I work at a very prestigious financial firm. However, I know my heart is not in it and that I am just here wasting my life and time away in hopes of discovering a passion I can pursue and one day make my own business or something and be successful like you. I am scared to leave this job because it has an amazing money potential in income and it is one of the biggest firms in the world, and the prestige is a plus. If I left I know a lot of people I know will probably laugh at me and at my dreams of being significant. Can you give me some quick advice on what you would do? I have dreams of becoming a man who makes a difference in the world like you and I know I won’t do it here, nor do I want to. I just dont know what I want to create or pursue yet and I am scared. Because of my lack of passion at this job, it’s making me depressed.

If you take a minute out of your day to respond, it’ll make my day. Even if you don’t see this or respond, I just wanted to say thanks for being such an inspiration in my life. (viCex2)

“A: Stay with the firm until you find your passion. But stay with me here. B: How do you know right now your passion isn’t something that you will need money for? Maybe you will decide you want to start a healthy burger shop. You will need money.
So look at this as a stepping stone instead of an end. We can’t always do what we are passionate about, but everything we do can move us closer to our passion. I was never passionate about construction. But I laid bricks and worked so I could support my passion when I was starting out in bodybuilding.
The most important thing is, you need to find your passion. And once you do, put everything into it. Everything. But until then, it sounds like you are at a good stepping stone. Just remind yourself to think of it that way and don’t let yourself think of it as the end point. You sound like a smart guy. I bet you will do great once you have somewhere to direct this energy.”

Should I go to the gym tonight, Arnold?
(Please just say yes. I want to be able to tell my roomie I’m going to the gym because Arnold told me to.)

“Is this even a question? Yes.”

Hat Tip to hypervocal / Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr

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