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Prankster tells parents their house has been ‘robbed’—but not the way you think

Call it a Rob-rolling.


Josh Katzowitz

Internet Culture

If you’re going to prank your parents and make them worried that they’ve lost all of their worldly possessions because of your carelessness, you might as well craft an A-list pun using an A-list actor.

That’s what Imgur user StudyofWumbology accomplished when he “robbed” (or “Rob-rolled”?) his family. We hope nobody was hurt—mentally or physically—in the process.

We were robbed last night…

Props for the commitment of cutting out 168 total Rob Lowe heads and plastering them on every photograph in the house. The prank is certainly good enough for StudyofWumbology to boast, “I’m Rob Lowe, and I have DirecTV.”

 H/T Mashable | Photo via StudyofWumbology/Imgur

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