Top Ten list on typewriter

ettadallas/Shutterstock (Licensed) Remix by Jason Reed

The ranking meme is the best new way to post your hot take

A ‘rank’ set of opinions.


Brittany Vincent

Internet Culture

People love rankings. They love them even more when there’s something to argue about. Take any “top 10” article on the internet and watch the squabbling in the comments as it breaks out from the very first reply.

That’s probably why people on Twitter love the “ranking” meme that’s making the rounds right now so much. It combines everything people enjoy about writing these things with a fun twist, and we can’t get enough of them.

Twitter denizens are making their own lists that initially look like they’re about to rank items in numerical order, but they devolve into hilarious anecdotes and other silliness that’s even more entertaining than some arbitrary list, anyway.

Want to make your own? It’s simple. Create a list where you intend to write a “best of” ranking, and then fill each list entry with part of a statement. It should be an intellectual (or pseudo-intellectual, if you like) riff on the topic you’re writing about, or it can even be complete nonsense. The final entry, number one or number ten, depending on how you’ve written it, can be funny or serious, but it should be the real focus of your list, like the example below.

We’ve made one here, just so you can see how easy it really is. Seriously.

Best Ways to Put Together A List Ranking Meme

10. Do
9. it
8. any
7. way
6. you
5. want!
4. There are
3. no real
2. rules.
1. This way.

Even corporate Twitter accounts are getting in on the fun.

Are you part of a massive fandom you can no longer keep quiet about? Want to make sure the world knows who the very best sci-fi show is or which K-pop boy band should come out on top? Make your own ranking, and then share it with us.

And then we’ll probably go ahead and rank those rankings. That’s just how we do, natch.

The Daily Dot