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News anchor finds himself reporting on his criminal doppelgänger



Gabe Bergado

Internet Culture

Meeting your doppelgänger always sounds like exciting stuff—until your double commits a bunch of heinous crimes and you’re being hunted down by authorities, that is. 

That’s not exactly what happened on Monday’s episode of Crimewatch, but one of the anchors did find out that he and a wanted criminal looked virtually indistinguishable.

Co-hosts Jason Mohammad and Sophie Raworth were running through updates on old cases covered previously on the show that had since been solved. Victor Lakatos, for one, was arrested for assaulting an elderly person—and also bears an awkward resemblance to Mohammad.

Viewers definitely realized the resemblance: 

(Sorry, this embed was not found.)

If this was as horror film, it’d turn out that Lakatos somehow duped the cops and got them to arrest Mohammad instead, only to assume the Crimewatch anchor’s identity. We’re really hoping that’s not the case. 

And Mohammad wants to let everyone know that he’s also noticed the eerie coincidence.

Coming across your lookalike often leads to quite the silly situation, like when a man discovered his double had mistakenly taken his seat on an airplane. Conversely, you probably don’t want to meet Hitler’s clone.H/T Following | Photo via Victor/flickr (CC BY 2.0) | Remix by Max Fleishman

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