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The Morning GIF is an infinite universe

Dan Berry figured out the universe while he was at art school in Georgia.


Fernando Alfonso III

Internet Culture

Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

If our entire universe does indeed exist inside a black hole, artist Dan Berry has figured out what’s on the other side of it.

Berry, 25, came to this realization while at Savannah College of Art and Design. It was late one night before a Screen Design assignment was due. After a serious amount of procrastinating, Berry picked up a sketchpad and permanent marker and began to draw. This was the surrealistic result:

“The GIF is representative of an infinite fractal universe,” Berry told the Daily Dot. “I am very interested in understanding the mechanics of our vast multidimensional universe. I contemplate our position in reality daily, and strive to improve myself spiritually and mentally. It was completed in a hurry but it still illustrates a lot of what I think about.”

Today Berry continues to contemplate the universe, but he’s using a spray paint can and computer to express himself. For the past four years, Berry has been developing a sci-fi graphic novel called Verdacomb from his blueberry farm in Portland, Ore. He’s done work for Go Pay Your Tuition and Laundry Box

Berry will be traveling to the Bonnaroo Music Festival on June 13 for his sixth time. Look for him near the entrance of the festival with a spray paint can in his hand.

“I plan on doing some graffiti pieces to promote the novel, while handing out stickers and business cards,” Berry added. “Verdacomb is my life and the characters are inspired by myself and my friends, along with my college and music festival experiences.”

Images by Dan Berry

The Daily Dot