Man holding shovel wagging finger at Minion

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Minion steals part of man’s lawn—then taunts him on Facebook

The Minion vandal revealed his identity.


David Britton

Internet Culture

Brad Nicklin, a man in Kalgoorlie, Australia, was already confused when he noticed a square patch of grass was missing from his lawn. But that was nothing compared to how he felt when he checked his home security footage.

“I noticed it was done with a shovel, not an animal, so I went through the [home security] cameras,” he told WAtoday.

The video clearly shows someone dressed as a Minion, the lovable gibberish-speaking character from the Despicable Me films, perpetrating the crime.

To add insult to injury, the thief created a facebook page called “Carl Minion” to taunt the victim.

He posted a picture of himself with the stolen grass.

He also posted a short video where he’s watering a sad-looking lawn.

The theft and taunting video followed a Snapchat post in which Nicklin boasted about this beautiful lawn.

“I’ve got a funny feeling it’s one of my mates,” Nicklin said, “because I sent a Snapchat earlier that weekend saying how good my grass was.”

Turns out he was right. Nicklin’s friend Alex Newman, who appeared in the original video claiming to be curious about the thief’s identity, finally came forward to admit it had been him all along.

After revealing himself as the perpetrator, Newman, who told local GWN7 News he didn’t want to get “too famous,” helped his friend repair the vandalized lawn.

minion repairs lawn
Screengrab via GWNZ/Facebook

The two mates then patched up their friendship over a beer.

minion and friend share beer
Screengrab via GWNZ/Facebook

Everybody loves a happy ending.

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