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Screengrab via ogotrice/YouTube

Pilot proposes to co-pilot by making her think they’re about to crash

Could have been really awkward if she’d said no.


David Britton

Internet Culture

Nothing brings out tears like a proposal… except maybe thinking you’re about to die.

This dude decided to help his girlfriend feel all the feels when told her the controls of the plane they were flying weren’t responding. “Stay calm,” he repeatedly tells her (which is always a good indication that shit is off the rails) before asking her to read through a checklist of emergency procedures. She somehow manages to stay cool as a cucumber while saying things like “throttle full” and “flaps retract in increments.”

In fact, she doesn’t break down until she reads the “ring engagement procedure,” which you gotta admit is pretty clever wordplay. “Do you love the pilot?” she reads. “Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him?”  Oh man, cue the waterworks—for her and anyone watching this.

At that point he reaches behind the seats and pulls out a box shaped like the golden snitch from Harry Potter. Amazingly enough, instead of smacking the shit out of him, she says yes. If that’s not true love, what is?

If you’re not already openly weeping (you inhuman monster), get this: When they touched down, their family and friends were all waiting to greet them with gifts and flowers.

It’s a pretty sweet story, kinda like a G-rated mile high club. And it’s clear that the two of them are in love, and we’re glad she agreed to marry this guy and be his “co-pilot for life.” But she might want to work something into the vows about never tricking your spouse into fearing for their life. 

Screengrab via ogotrice/YouTube

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