
Melania avoids husband’s tender grasp again as first couple deplanes in Rome

Did Melania shut down Donald Trump again?

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

melania trump hands


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Well, well, well.


It will be no surprise to you, savvy consumer of web-based politics blogs, that President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump may not have the most affectionate marriage. In fact some have even speculated that the first lady has outright disdain for her husband.


That notion is frequently reinforced through keen, inflated analysis over relatively inconsequential actions that offer incontrovertible proof that Melania Trump does not like Donald.

Which, I may, nay, must add, is in no way reflective of left-leaning media’s general disdain for President Trump. The media DOES NOT use Melania’s behaviors as a vehicle to project their dislike of the man out into the world.

Nope. Not at all.

Because clearly you can watch this video and see for yourself.


Nine seconds in. He goes for hand, she goes for hair, as they depart Air Force One in Rome.

Can you say on the rocks?

The two REPORTEDLY (but who can trust the fake news media?) held hands as they arrived at the Vatican.


H/T Gizmodo

The Daily Dot