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7-year-old writes devastating breakup letter to mom

She couldn’t even do it in person.


Gabe Bergado

Internet Culture

Nowadays, people have the gall to break up with others with something like a text or note. These jerks can’t even find the courtesy to end it face to face. And bad behavior like this has apparently trickled down to our youth.

Savage 7-year-old Eva was brass enough to call things off with her very own mother over a hand-written note. According to this little heartbreaker, she has to “move on” and that she’ll “call” but we all know that never happens in the end. 

Eva even goes so far as to tell the recipient that she was the “best mom Ever,” but that rascal is calling it quits anyway. On her 30th birthday of all days. Are children so ageist that 30 is just too old? Unbelievable. 

The time my 7 year old broke up with me

Kids these days, sheesh. 

The Daily Dot