
Jared Leto still hasn’t seen ‘Suicide Squad’

Lucky him.

Photo of Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

joker jared leto

Jared Leto hasn’t seen Suicide Squad, putting him in a happier position than those of us who did.

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“I just think with watching your own films, it can be too self-conscious of a process,” said Leto, an actor who is not exactly known for being self-conscious. “You either like what you did and you’re prone to repeat it, or you didn’t like it, and it can make you self-conscious. I’m not sure how much win there is for me. But I read the scripts, so I know what’s going to happen.”

Much as we love to make fun of Jared Leto’s intensely obnoxious Suicide Squad antics, it’s easy to see why else he might avoid the movie. After hyping up the extremity of his performance, most of his scenes were cut.

“Were there any that didn’t get cut?” he wondered out loud to IGN last year. “I’m asking you, were there any that didn’t get cut? There were so many scenes that got cut from the movie, I couldn’t even start.”


So if he did wind up watching Suicide Squad, he wouldn’t see most of his performance.

Leto is due to return in Suicide Squad 2  and possibly in a Harley/Joker spinoff movie. And since he hasn’t watched his first performance as the Joker, it’s safe to say he won’t learn anything from the mistakes he may or may not have made.

H/T Comic Book Movie

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