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James Franco just smeared Shia LaBoeuf with a poo joke

James Franco was voted ‘Most Artistic Ass Clown’ at Yale.


Feliks Garcia

Internet Culture

Bro, you gotta check this out. Yeah, it’s Franco again. He’s back, doing his poo joke! Remember that? Oh, man, he had all of us rolling in the quad with his poo joke. Those were the days.

It’s good to see Jimmy tightening up his game. “Just poo it!” Haha, yes! I did not see that one coming. First it was “You poo you,” then “Winnie the Pooooo,” though he had to really draw out the last part so we could get the joke—but still. Picturing that fat little poo bear with his little red shirt.

How about the time he riffed on our favorite bands? Pootallica, Poo La Tengo, Coldpoo. I don’t remember a time Franco wasn’t the funniest. He brought those boring Guitar Hero nights to life. “More like, The Poolice.” Just classic shit.

Nobody could take an everyday thing and turn it into poo like James Franco. Remember in our Whitman class, when he recited his tribute, “Song of My Poo?”

“I celebrate my poo, and sing my poo,
And what I poo, you shall poo…”


Franco really made that Shia LaBeouf jabroni look like an idiot. “Just Do It?” Didn’t know Nike paid him off like that. James Franco, a real bro with true talent. 

I can’t wait to see what poo he comes up with next. 

Screengrab via jaydaviscrb IG/Youtube

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