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Make money on Instagram with this $20 online class bundle

Chuck your day job out the window and make Instagram your full time gig.


The Daily Dot Bazaar

Internet Culture

There’s money to be made on Instagram. Even if other social media channels are blowing up now (we’re looking at you, TikTok), Instagram remains a lucrative avenue for anyone who’s willing to make an effort. The biggest names on the platform, not including celebrities like Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylie Jenner, pocket as much as ten digits per post. This just means that if you think you have it in you to build a trustworthy reputation and grow a follower base, Instagram can be the key to cushioning your checking account. 

And even if you don’t aspire to be an IG influencer, a big following on Instagram presents a lot of opportunities, especially if you run a business or side hustle. If you want to learn how to boost your personal or professional brand on the platform, the Essential Instagram Brand Marketing Bundle can show you the ropes. 

It includes four extensive courses, all of which are taught by certified professionals, so you know you’re learning from the best. Here’s what’s in store:

Hype Your Brand on Instagram with Sue Zimmerman

Headed by Sue Zimmerman, also known as the #InstagramGal and #TheInstagramExpert, this course will walk you through how to make the most out of every facet of Instagram, from Stories and Highlights to how to game its algorithm. Expect to learn how to create eye-catching content on both your feed and Stories, tips on how to get your followers to take action, and the process of conducting hashtag research to figure out how each post would perform. 

Growing Your Audience on Instagram with Pei Ketron

Pei Ketron is a photographer, educator, and traveler with years of experience in the industry. In this course, you’ll learn how to stand out from the crown with your photos, along with the best practices in creating powerful visual content. You’ll also get to grips with the basics of networking and expanding your potential client base. 

Create an Instagram Paid Ad Strategy with Morgan Sutton

Morgan Sutton is a COO of a brand that is dedicated to helping women-lead small businesses elevate. In this course, which is dedicated to business owners, you’ll get to discover how to create ads using the Instagram app, how to properly research your ideal target audience and tips on how to create unique ads that will yield results. After all, you’re on Instagram to grow your consumer base, and this course revolves around how to do just that. 

Shooting & Editing for Mobile Photography with Elise Swopes

Since Instagram is primarily a photo-sharing app, this course instructed by Elise Swopes, an artist specializing in photography, influencer marketing, and graphic design, will teach you how to post creative, well-edited images that will attract leads. You’ll be guided on how to utilize your camera settings, learn the secrets to scouting for locations and capturing what you want, discover the best editing apps to use, as well as editing techniques that will take your photos from drab to fab.

When bought separately, the courses in this bundle will set you back $136, but for a limited time, you can get the entire set on sale for only $19.99.

The Daily Dot