
Redneck madman makes turbo, DIY margarita machine

The Elon Musk of margarita machines.

Photo of Greg Seals

Greg Seals

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Have you ever come home from a grueling day at work, craving a tasty frozen margarita only to have your cheap blender desperately struggle to crush ice? Hopelessly you prod and poke the half-crushed concoction with a spoon, hoping that somehow your appliance will muster up the horsepower needed to make a frosty drink

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But don’t resort to sipping tequila straight from the bottle just yet, because there are some jort-sporting, NASCAR-watching, cowboy-hat wearing men in town and they’re here to save your buzz. They’ve got a margarita machine that means serious business, and if you don’t believe me, just feast your eyes on this homemade beauty.

Assembled from a 10-gallon water cooler, an oil drum, and the meanest garbage disposal you’ve ever seen, this thing churns our the chilliest margs using one and a quarter horsepower.


Of course the ultimate margarita machine requires only the finest spirits and freshest ingredients, but if you’re short on those, just use Costco brand margarita mix and tequila like these master mixologists. 

Someone get these guys on the phone with SkyMall, because I’m ready to place my order. 

H/T Reddit | Photo via leeco/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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