
‘Game of Thrones’ may feature movie-length episodes in season 8

‘Game of Thrones’ episodes are about to get even longer.

Photo of Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

game of thrones season 8

episodes tend to run long, with season 7 episodes ranging from 50 to 82 minutes in length. According to a new report from the convention Con of Thrones, those runtimes are about to get even longer.

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Sound designer Paula Fairfield hinted this weekend that season 8 may include feature-length episodes. That’s longer than any Game of Thrones episode we’ve seen before. And it makes sense: Game of Thrones has a lot of storylines to wrap up before the show concludes for good.



The eighth and final season will be six episodes long, and we can assume that “feature-length” translates to about 90 minutes per episode. A fitting end to the most epic show on television.

H/T Mashable

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