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Screengrab via CBC News/YouTube

Woman takes dogsled through the drive-thru for coffee

She’s not gonna let a little snow get in her way.


David Britton

Internet Culture

When it’s too nasty out to drive, but you really want Tim Horton’s coffee, what are you going to do? If you’re Allyson Mitton of New Brunswick, Canada, you hitch your border collies to a sled and take them through the drive-thru. 

“It was just a stormy day and what else can you do, be stuck inside?” Mitton told CTV Atlantic on Wednesday. “(The dogs) love to run and they don’t care about the snow. So we just hauled out the dogsled and away we went to Tim’s.”

Mitton added that the drive-thru employees were a little surprised by her appearance. “I heard one woman say something like ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this before in the drive-thru,’” she said.

But Mitton still got her coffee and the dogs got some Timbits (tiny donut bites) and away they went back home.

This isn’t the first time Mitton has hitched up the dogs for a ride into town. “We go on adventures all the time,” she said. “Who knows where we’ll be next.”

H/T CVT News | Screengrab via CBC News/YouTube

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