dog treadmill


This organization tried to use dogs in a socialism metaphor, and it backfired spectacularly

Under socialism, dogs still wouldn’t get paid because they’re dogs.


Siobhan Ball

Layer 8

Young Americans Against Socialism (YAAS) is an organization that bills itself as “a nonpartisan 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to exposing socialism’s failures to young Americans by creating viral educational videos for social media.”

how do you do fellow kids

The organization’s strategy is, in its own words:

In order to combat this problem in our culture, Young Americans Against Socialism is bringing timely, interesting, but still educational info to where young Americans are most: social media. The videos YAAS produces take advantage of the emotional, personal stories of those that have been affected by the horrifying reality of socialism. Young people look at their phones an average of 70 times per day and will have no choice but to consume YAAS content that is shared onto their news feeds.

Whatever you think of socialism, it looks like YAAS seriously misjudged its target audience yesterday when they posted the following tweet, in which two dogs are walking on treadmills next to each other.

One dog is walking briskly and the other is just standing on the side of the treadmill and only using one foot to passively keep up with the treadmill. The caption reads, “under socialism both dogs would be paid the same.”

Where to begin to unpack this?

As Twitter user @Reverend_Banjo pointed out, dogs don’t actually get paid wages, even under socialism.

Though as @TchCrayong says, maybe they should? After all, they are very good boys.

And Daily Beast reporter Asawin Suebsaeng had real questions about the entire situation where dogs get paid to run on treadmills.

User @emamma_mia points out that actually hard work doesn’t directly correlate to high pay under capitalism, which is actually why so many young people think that socialism sounds like a good idea.

People leapt on the bad metaphor to criticize capitalism instead.

Particularly the for-profit healthcare system.

People also pointed out that the dog on the left is the true capitalist innovator (or would be if he were not a dog and therefore a very good boy).

People were all over the absurdity of the premise.

Twitter user @rockerj881 had the best take: “Under reality they’re both really good boyes [sic].”

We can’t wait to see what cute animal YAAS uses next. Hamster wheels would be a bit on-the-nose.


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The Daily Dot