farty dog

Screengrab via billyhoward930/Twitter Remix by Monica Riese

Someone please help this gassy dog

This dog lets it RIP.


Monica Riese

Internet Culture

Dogs might be man’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean they’re perfect creatures. Sometimes, they have absolutely horrendous gas.

Twitter user Billy Howard confirmed this fact with a 45-second clip of his aging chocolate Lab letting it rip in seemingly every room of the house. Come for the dog farts; stay for the “what do you feed him?!” off-screen commentary.

The peanut gallery has a point: It’s distinctly possible this pupper’s problems could be solved by less people food, more probiotics, or a change in dog food. And at least dog food company leapt to the rescue in the replies, offering to get the pooch set straight with a new diet.

As a greyhound owner, I feel obliged to warn this guy that it’s the silent stinkers, not the audible toots, that’ll really bowl you over. All the better reason to get this guy sorted out—and fast.

Alternatively, it could be one big practical joke, with human fart noises overlaid on footage of a patient hound. Some folks on Twitter certainly weren’t convinced the video was real. But so what if it isn’t? Let he who has not blamed a fart on the family dog cast the first stone.

The Daily Dot