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DNC tries to pander with tone-deaf Beyoncé meme, fails miserably

How does this keep happening. 


Ignacio Martinez

Internet Culture

A Democratic National Committee tweet from Saturday morning is epitomizing the “how do you do, fellow kids?“meme.

For some reason, prominent Democratic social media accounts keep succumbing to the pitfalls of being utterly tone-deaf online. Remember that time Hillary Clinton asked people on Twitter to explain how they felt about their student loan debt using three emojis or less?

Apparently, no one has learned. Here’s today’s train wreck:

“This is a whole mood.”

From an optics perspective, this is just bad. This is the official Twitter account for the Democratic National Committee appropriating African Amerian Vernacular English (AAVE) to have Twitter users text a number that will sign them up for a notification list (it’s in the fine print).

So let’s take a look at the messaging. “Boy Bye.”

Again, another example of AAVE appropriation—this time a Beyoncé lyric—by the online persona of a political entity that predominantly failed its black supporters in the last presidential election.

Somehow the even more incompetent thing on display here is the blatant example of negative narcissism. The “get Trump out of office” mentality that the DNC has adopted here explicitly tells potential voters who they are not, but does nothing to tell them who they are.

The messaging from the DNC here is clear. Instead of doing everything in its power to broadcast policy points and tell the American people what they can do for them, the DNC says they are perfectly content with resting on their laurels, simply saying they are not Trump, and hoping voters will see that as enough. It’s exactly what happened with Hillary, and it’s hard to not see it happen again, when this is the messaging. 

Recent, less “hashtag relatable” tweets from the DNC confirm this narrative.

Other Twitter users took deep umbrage to the DNC’s efforts this weekend.




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