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Forgetting dropping the mic—this rapper tried to drop a deuce

Daylyt is your new favorite battle rapper. 


Audra Schroeder

Internet Culture

Warning: This story contains graphic content that may be NSFW.

On Saturday, a battle rap competition took place in Phoenix, Ariz., titled “Duel in the Desert.” While the majority of rappers actually battle-rapped, one in particular engaged in a more esoteric performance.

Daylyt, a rapper from California, is apparently known in battle-rap circles for his antics and for doing everything but rapping on stage. He did not disappoint. According to website Battle Rap, he took the stage dressed in a black cloak. When it was time for him to battle his opponent, Real Deal, he took the performance a step further.

From Battle Rap:

In the third round, Daylyt told the crowd that fans had expected Real Deal to “take [Day’s] head off” and then said that he’d already done it himself. He removed his cloak to reveal a decapitated head (that rolled onto the stage) leaving just his bloodied neck.



Daylyt – #duelinthedesert

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Daylyt did eventually engage in some rapping, but it was met with heckling and boos. He reportedly told the crowd, “If I hear two more boos, I’ma take a boo boo on stage.” And then he pulled down his pants and tried to drop a deuce. He was swiftly escorted out of the venue. Daylyt also allegedly threatened to poop onstage during a battle last year.



Security pulling @daylyt2k14 off this stage before he could shit. He’ll get it someday.

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Battle Rap interviewed Daylyt after he was removed from the venue and forced to perform from behind a gate. It might have been the best part of the whole event.

You can find many more clips of Daylyt offering his opinions about rap and performance. He’s certainly elevated shit-talking to a whole new level. 

H/T Death and Taxes | Screengrab via Battle Rap/YouTube 

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