woman editing videos on computer with editing icons green to blue vertical gradient background Passionfruit Remix

PHILIPIMAGE/Shutterstock Olga Agureeva/Shutterstock Ribkhan/Shutterstock (Licensed) Remix by Caterina Cox

20 of the best time-saving video editing tips

Save time editing your videos with these helpful tips.


Rachel Kiley

Internet Culture


One of the first things almost all video content creators learn is just how important editing is to the process—and how complex it can be. In many instances, editing your videos can even end up taking more time than actually conceptualizing or recording them, although the more proficient you become at editing, the less often that will happen. And for those looking to up their post-production game and move that part of the process along quicker, there are some tried and true time-saving video editing tips to help make sure that happens.

What are the basics of video editing?

You may already have the basics down when it comes to editing but double-check this list to make sure you’re getting off to the best start.

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