
Photo via Mike Mozart (CC-BY)

Two women trashed a Chick-fil-A because their nuggets were cold

This is one way to react when you get cold chicken nuggets.


David Britton

Internet Culture

Two women in Jacksonville, Florida, were apparently not happy with an order of cold chicken nuggets from their local Chick-fil-A. So unhappy in fact that an eyewitness says they broke a door handle, threw condiments all over the floor, and broke a vase.

Allison Music, another customer who was in the store when the tirade took place, captured video of some of the incident on her cell phone. The first video shows the two women complaining about their order when the manager finally shows up and says that she has already refunded his money.

Clearly something went wrong after that though, because the second video show the restaurant with trash all over the floor, and later you can hear the sound of something being broken off screen. Also, in an unintentional homage to the Chick-fil-A mascots, a customer calls one of the women a heifer.

“There were kids at Chick-fil-A while this was going on and anyone should be embarrassed to act the way these two females did tonight,” Music wrote in a Facebook post

What madness went down between the end of the first video and the start of the second we may never know. Eventually, the police arrived but by then the women were long gone, after allegedly causing $900 in damages.

Chick-fil-A did what corporations do when stuff like this happens and issued a vague apology.

“We apologize for the disruption that took place at our restaurant. We are cooperating fully with the local police as there is a pending investigation.”

It will be interesting to see exactly what that investigation reveals, but until then, the lesson is that people either need to keep cooler heads or restaurants need to server hotter nuggets.

H/T Washington Post

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