yang im sorrry


Andrew Yang on how to pay for his signature proposal: ‘I’m sorry?’

To be fair, maybe he is sorry.


Claire Goforth

Internet Culture

A few minutes into the second shouting match masquerading as a Democratic debate, political neophyte Andrew Yang got his moment to shine, his chance to make that crucial first impression with the millions of Americans who don’t have a clue who he is.

His first words: “I’m sorry.”

After establishing that he was, in fact, the Yang being asked a question, the millionaire entrepreneur recovered and went on to talk about his Freedom Dividend, in which he would give everybody over the age of 18 $1,000 a month as part of his plan to make up for income inequality.

But, alas, it was too late. Not even the #YangGang could save their leader from the internet’s savagery.




Sure, he’s one of the only non-politicians in the race, but the internet also wants a candidate who knows when he’s being asked a question.


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