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Bradley Manning takes the stand, apologizes for leaks

Manning faces up to 90 years in prison for leaking classified military information to WikiLeaks.

On Aug 14, 2013 by Joe Kloc

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Obama didn’t actually delete his promises of whistleblower protection

The White House says Change.gov, the president’s old website full of campaign promises, wasn’t taken down intentionally.

On Jul 31, 2013 by Jay Hathaway

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Here’s what comes next for Bradley Manning

Depending on his sentence, the WikiLeaks whistleblower still has the possibility of parole or clemency.

On Jul 30, 2013 by Curt Hopkins

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Edward Snowden plans to settle and get a job in Russia

Snowden’s lawyer says he’s “planning to arrange his life” in Russia.

On Jul 23, 2013 by Joe Kloc

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NSA chief slams “transparency culture,” compares Snowden to Boston bombers

Michael Hayden fears a culture that promotes transparency as a virtue.

On Jul 20, 2013 by Kevin Collier

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Did Bradley Manning say the American flag “meant nothing”?

A former supervisor testified that Manning said he felt no allegiance to the U.S. 

On Jul 20, 2013 by Joe Kloc

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Former senator praises Snowden as “courageous whistleblower”

“I believe you have done the right thing,” Gordon Humphrey, former Republican Senator from New Hampshire, wrote to Snowden.

On Jul 16, 2013 by Joe Kloc

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Venezuela receives Edward Snowden’s asylum request

Snowden “will need to decide when he will fly here,” Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro said Monday.

On Jul 8, 2013 by Kevin Collier

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Snowden: The U.K.’s spying operation is worse than PRISM

The U.K.’s GCHQ has tapped directly into fiber-optic cables to intercept communications, Snowden and another Guardian source claim.

On Jun 21, 2013 by Kris Holt

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These celebrities are all Bradley Manning

A star-studded campaign aims to convince the government to drop an aiding the enemy charge against the Wikileaks whistleblower.

On Jun 20, 2013 by Curt Hopkins

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Julian Assange has been inside for a year

One year down, potentially four more to go for the notorious WikiLeaks founder. 

On Jun 19, 2013 by [email protected]

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U.S. moving to charge Snowden over NSA leak, FBI director says

FBI director Robert Mueller says whistleblower Ed Snowden “is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation.”  

On Jun 13, 2013 by Kevin Collier

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The faces of NYC’s rally for Edward Snowden

Signs were soggy and activists were soaked, but the Internet brought people out to Union Square to show support for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

On Jun 10, 2013 by Gaby Dunn

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Two petitions to protect Edward Snowden are gaining traction

Some 8,400 have signed a We The People petition calling for a full pardon for the NSA whistleblower.

On Jun 10, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III

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NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed PRISM in the name of Internet freedom

The most important whistleblower since Bradley Manning, currently in Hong Kong, says he “doesn’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things.”

On Jun 9, 2013 by Cooper Fleishman

The Daily Dot