Man talking(L+r), Hotel concierge giving hotel key(c)

‘This is why some people are afraid to travel’: Guest asks for special room at hotel, is shocked by what they give him

‘This man better have free rooms from you for LIFE.’

On by Tiffanie Drayton

Woman talking(l+r), Woman in wheelchair outside(c)

‘This is a huge issue’: Wheelchair user denied service at ‘accessible’ restaurant

“The reason why I advocate for accessibility so much is to avoid situations like this.”

On by Tricia Crimmins

workers with wheelchair rolling fast down ramp at airport (l) workers with wheelchair flipping over ramp at airport (c) workers with wheelchair crashing off of ramp at airport (r)

‘These chairs cost upwards of $3k’: Airline luggage workers seen mishandling wheelchair

‘Not what I’d call “handling with care.”‘

On by V Roth

airport ceiling with captions 'Male worker: Because for seven years I've been doing this and for seven years- Female worker: Me: Well you should know about basic respect that you ask a wheelchair user before you push them' (l) woman speaking with caption 'and a lot of other people are reaching out and saying that it happened to them' (c) airport ceiling with captions 'Male worker: Female worker: Do you want me to take you back tot he gate? (threat) cause I can Me: No can you ask people before you push them-it's not difficult' (r)

‘You should know about basic respect’: Wheelchair user calls out airport workers for pushing her without consent

‘The way they’re talking down to you…’

On by Braden Bjella

United passenger speaking (l) United Airlines seat (c) United passenger in seat (r)

‘You don’t realize these are literally my legs’: United passenger says airline wouldn’t properly accommodate her wheelchair

‘Wheelchairs aren’t a new thing. Why don’t they have this figured out yet???’

On by Adrienne Hunter

cars parked in parking lot with caption 'and I can't get to my blank apartment' (l) person speaking in front of light tan wall with caption 'and I look over and the girl has completely come out and moved her car' (c) cars parked in parking lot with caption 'because some jackass decided to park in front of the ramp' (r)

‘This is the third car that has done this’: Wheelchair user stuck outside in the rain after neighbor parked in front of access ramp

‘I’m stuck here because the towing company won’t answer the phone.’

On by Braden Bjella

person speaking with hand up to mouth on train with caption 'um and someone fully like saw us going past and yelled out from his car cripple' (l) people speaking with caption 'so we just got Hate Crimed and I'm really excited about it' (c) person speaking on train with caption 'and like we're both just really chopped that it's finally happened' (r)

‘Thoughtless and ignorant’: Wheelchair user excited about ‘hate crime’ faces backlash

‘We just got hate crimed and I’m really excited about it.’

On by Tricia Crimmins

tiktoker says american airlines is worst to fly with wheelchair tiktok

‘I got to Orlando, and my wheelchair was not here’: Customer says American Airlines forgot to put their wheelchair on flight (updated)

‘American Airlines has given me a real f*cking run for my money.’

On by Braden Bjella

hand holding broken cane (l) young woman in airport (c) broken cane on bench (r)

‘You’re essentially breaking our legs, breaking our arms’: Disabled TikToker says the TSA broke her cane at airport

‘I knew that this would happen to me eventually, because it happens to friends of mine every f*cking day’

On by Brooke Sjoberg

woman in wheelchair group of men trying to assist her wheelchair up a step (arrows in red pointing to step) caption 'When accessing places one of the comments I get the most is... 'It's only one step, we can lift your wheelchair so you can get in.'' (l) woman in wheelchair group of men trying to help her up step caption 'Watch in real time as six strong men realize why 'One Step' is a big issue' (c) woman in wheelchair almost on step as men are pushing wheelchair caption 'Accessibility shouldn't look like this And moment like this can be very embarrassing and difficult mentally' (r)

‘Accessibility shouldn’t look like this’: TikToker shows how ‘only one step’ is a major issue for wheelchair users

‘Six strong men realize why that ‘one step’ is a big issue.’

On by Braden Bjella

Woman in wheelchair pushing wheelchair accessible automatic door button caption 'just cut the video at the stairs' (l) Woman opening door by hand after button doesn't work caption 'just cut the video at the stairs' (c) woman in electric wheelchair showing stairs at wheelchair accessible area caption 'just cut the video at the stairs' (r)

‘Wheelchair accessible, my ass’: Disabled TikToker shows ‘accessible’ entrance that leads to stairs

‘What’s even the point of having a door opening button if u get in and it’s just STAIRS???’

On by Maria Poggi

A woman in a motorized wheelchair

A woman is making TikTok’s spinning in her motorized wheelchair for donations to her van fund. TikTokers say it’s exposing the state of the U.S. healthcare system

‘I hope some guilt ridden insurance company CEO sees this and sponsors you.’

On by Mikael Thalen

LAPD throwing a man out of his wheelchair

Video shows police throwing Black Lives Matter protester out of wheelchair

Police knocked Joshua Wilson out of his wheelchair and then broke it.

On by Bryan Rolli

trump and wheelchair boy at healthcare speech

No, Donald Trump did not refuse to shake the hand of a kid with disabilities

It looked like Trump ignored a disabled boy, but he didn’t.

On by Jay Hathaway

goldfish in a wheelchair

This handicapped goldfish in a tiny wheelchair will melt your heart

The world just got a little bit cuter (and a lot more buoyant).

On by Jay Hathaway

The Daily Dot