paper cutout of female symbol with power fist in the center

‘It’s not an act of love if you make her’: Women nationwide will strike on second anniversary of Roe v. Wade falling


On by Claire Goforth

Sonny Borrelli in front of contraceptive pills

Arizona Republicans voted not to codify protections for emergency contraception

Sonny Borelli and his fellow Arizona Republicans received immense backlash from the public nationwide.

On by Tricia Crimmins

Democrats vs republicans are facing off in a ideological duel on the american flag. In American politics US parties are represented by either the democrat donkey or republican elephant

After massive election losses, Republicans can’t decide if abortion is hot or not

Ohio voters on Tuesday enshrined abortion rights into the state constitution.

On by Katherine Huggins

woman speaking with caption 'and can I start you out with some still, sparkling, or ab0rtion water?' (l) woman speaking with caption 'about the abortion pill poisoning America's water.' (c) woman speaking with caption 'do you have sparkling ab0rtion water?' (r)

‘Without a copay?!?!’: Pro-choice women film themselves guzzling water after right-wing group claims drinking supply spiked with abortion pills

‘Noooo fetuses.’

On by Claire Goforth

woman shows what six week pregnancy tissue looks like tiktok

Anti-abortion advocates call TikToker a ‘liar’ for showing what embryonic tissue looks like at 10 weeks

They don’t believe it.

On by Claire Goforth

the Baphomet statue idol in nature

‘They are hiding at least one half-eaten baby corpse’: QAnon world loses its collective mind over suit claiming abortion is a Satanic ritual

The Church of Satan denies that abortion is a Satanic ritual.

On by Claire Goforth

mary elizabeth coleman (l) elijah haahr (r)

‘These two were clearly up to something’: Uber driver exposes 2 anti-abortion Republicans for backseat behavior

The lawmaker proposed letting anyone sue a Missourian who helped someone get an abortion.

On by Claire Goforth

woman holding pregnancy test in packaging speaking (l) woman holding used pregnancy test speaking (c) woman speaking (r)

‘So sad that this is our reality’: Woman says to take pregnancy test every four weeks in the wake of Roe v Wade overturn, sparking debate

‘This is so sad.’

On by Jack Alban

young woman at bar (l) bartender with back to bar (c) man at bar (r) all with caption 'We made a comment about women losing their rights this past week and the bartender closed us all out without asking LMFAO'

‘We made a comment about women losing their rights’: Bartender closes patrons’ tabs without consent after they boo the Fourth of July

‘Can’t even enjoy the bar anymore without my drinks being taken away too.’

On by Braden Bjella

man dancing in parking lot with paper bag and caption 'When he gets a vasectomy for you because you reside in a red state' (l&r) woman holding baby with caption 'he looks too young for that.. damn rip' (c)

‘When he gets a vasectomy for you because you reside in a red state’: Woman films partner right after his vasectomy

“The definition of ‘if he wanted to be would.'”

On by Braden Bjella

man holding phone talking outside caption 'Got a stripper pregnant' caption 'Remember that rich, white conservatives will ALWAYS have access to safe abortions, and have no problem utilizing this privilege when it impacts them.' (L) man holding phone talking outside shocked expression caption 'Remember that rich, white conservatives will ALWAYS have access to safe abortions, and have no problem utilizing this privilege when it impacts them.' (c) man holding phone talking outside caption 'Okay well tell her to get an abortion' caption 'Remember that rich, white conservatives will ALWAYS have access to safe abortions, and have no problem utilizing this privilege when it impacts them.' (r)

A BYU student prank-called his Mormon mom saying he got a stripper pregnant. She told him to get her an abortion, sparking debate on the pro-life movement

‘Ironic that it’s totally okay if was to protect her son…’

On by Jack Alban

woman with sunglasses outside caption 'I was summoned for jury duty. As a woman in my 20's, this is what I had to say... am I wrong though?' (l) Female Justice Scale statue (c) Jury Duty Service email caption 'Good afternoon,, I left a voice message as well and am following up via email. My name is (blank) and I was summoned to serve from July 18-22nd. Apologies for the short notice but I will NOT be attending jury duty. In light of ROE V WADE and other basic human rights continuing to be taken, I no longer live in a country that serves mme. Therefore, I do NOT feel comfortable serving it. Being part of the jury service at this time would put me in extreme emotional distress. Not to mention my opinions would be completely biased. I hope you understand and are able to find another United States citizen that is actually proud to be such. Feel free to respond with any follow up questions, Sincerely ...' (r)

‘Stay tuned to see if I’m held in contempt’: Woman refused to serve on jury duty due to Roe v. Wade being overturned, sparking debate

‘Good in theory but imagine if this was a case in which a woman was being tried for an abortion.’

On by Rebekah Harding

Man eating burrito in crosswalk blocking traffic for protesters caption 'thank u to this guy eating his burrito blocking cars for protesters to march' (l) cars stopped before cross walk caption'thank u to this guy eating his burrito blocking cars for protesters to march' (c) Man eating burrito in crosswalk blocking traffic for protesters caption 'thank u to this guy eating his burrito blocking cars for protesters to march' (r)

‘Man has his priorities in order’: Man stops traffic to eat burrito during Roe v. Wade protest so that people can march

‘Not all heroes wear capes.’

On by Lauren Castro

Tom Fitton speaking outside hands out tweet by Lake Superior top left caption 'Thomas, not even your first talking point is correct. Water is not wet, what water touches is wet. I'm confident I have a lot more experience in making things wet than you do.'

‘Bodied by water’: Conservative judicial activist’s abortion take gets wrecked by Lake Superior Twitter account

‘This lake vehemently stands with women having the right to choose.’

On by Claire Goforth

man at protest with caption 'who needs tinder? we have abortion protests'

‘75% of the guys there’: Man jokes about going to pro-choice protests to pick up women

‘This is why we don’t trust men.’

On by Jack Alban

The Daily Dot