Driver realizes her key fob can do this one window trick

‘Did anyone else know??’: Ford driver realizes her key fob can do this one window trick

‘Your salesman is supposed to show you these things! That’s why they get paid!!!’

On by Phil West

Mechanic reveals why Ford is really changing how it’s engines are designed

‘They want it to fail’: Mechanic reveals why Ford is really changing how its engines are designed

‘I think the real difference is going to be the price for replacement.’

On by Braden Bjella

Ford driver issues ‘de influencing’ warning about the Bronco

‘I feel like the new Toyota Land Cruiser is like a reliable bronco’: Ford driver issues ‘de-influencing’ warning about the Bronco

‘Everything you said can also be applied to a Jeep Wrangler.’

On by Marlin Ramos

Man talking(l+r), Chevrolet lot(c)

‘It blows my mind still seeing people buy the Chevy Cruze’: Mechanic reveals 5 cars known for engine failure

‘I have a Cruze. No lies told on this one.’

On by Parks Kugle

Mechanic works on Ford Mustang—and find something he’s never seen before

‘Thank goodness you left the wipers on’: Mechanic works on Ford Mustang—and finds something he’s never seen before

‘I love watching a master at work.’

On by Parks Kugle

Old-school Ford Ranger tows massive new truck when it gets stuck on beach

‘I call it the RANGER DANGER’: Old Ford Ranger tows massive new GMC truck when it gets stuck on beach. Here’s why

‘That’s the worst time to realize you should’ve upgraded.’

On by Phil West

Mechanic calls new Ford engine the ‘worst design to date.’

‘I thought we were past this’: Mechanic calls new Ford engine the ‘worst design to date.’ Here’s why

‘This is what happens when the manufacturer doesn’t care anymore.’

On by Phil West

Ford F550 driver notices steering wheel shakes on new truck

‘You mean the Ford death wobble?’: Ford F550 driver notices steering wheel shakes—on new truck

‘Ford knows it’s a problem, they just don’t care’

On by Grace Fowler

Mechanic claims Ford is recommending the wrong oil to its customers at the dealership

‘It’s a pay-to-play system’: Mechanic claims Ford is recommending the wrong oil to its customers at the dealership

‘They are giving you the lowest, cheapest option.’

On by Jack Alban

Mechanic can't believe this 4-year-old Ford Escape has such major problems and says Fords aren't 'made to last'

‘U.S. automakers need to copy Toyota and Honda or start from scratch’: Mechanic can’t believe this 4-year-old Ford Edge has such major problems and says Fords aren’t ‘made to last’

‘Just buy a Honda/Toyota.’

On by Ljeonida Mulabazi

Ford owner warns against 550 after car began violently shaking mid-drive

‘We’ve taken it to the dealer numerous times’: Ford owner warns against F550 after it began violently shaking mid-drive

‘Ford knows it’s a problem, they just don’t care.’

On by Braden Bjella

Woman talking(l+r), Ford sign(c)

‘They Zip-tied it’: Ford driver says dealership worked on her F-150—and caused an accident that could have been much worse (updated)

‘Get ur bag sis!’

On by Parks Kugle

car seller greenscreen TikTok over image of Chevy Cruise with caption '10 cars you should never purchase at the car dealership' (l) car seller greenscreen TikTok over image of Dodge Dart with caption '10 cars you should never purchase at the car dealership' (c) car seller greenscreen TikTok over image of Ford Fiesta with caption '10 cars you should never purchase at the car dealership' (r)

‘Stay away from the damn Chevy Cruises’: Car seller shares what cars you shouldn’t buy at the dealership

‘They’re always breaking down.’

On by Melody Heald

President Joe Biden in a truck

Conspiracy theorists don’t believe Biden actually drove an electric truck

A still frame appearing to show a second steering wheel is easily debunked.

On by Mikael Thalen

Homepage article image

This sweaty butt robot tests the durability of Ford car seats

It mimics a human’s perspiration-drenched derriere.

On by Mikael Thalen

The Daily Dot